Karolína Kacvinská

My name is Karolina Kacvinská and I’m a college student. I’m currently working on my Master degree at Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica on Faculty of Fine Arts under lead of Rastislav Podoba at Open Studio of Painting.  I’ve finished my bachelor’s degree at Technical University in Kosice on Faculty of Arts. I specialized in traditional art in atelier of contemporary art under lead of Adam Szentpétery and Eva Moflárová. I took part in a study stay where I spent one semester at the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice. I completed my Master’s degree in 2023 at the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica in the Open Studio of Painting under the guidance of doc. Mgr. Rastislav Podoba, ArtD. 

From my early age I was always hooked into art. I’ve created many personal fashional creations. I’ve spent a lot of time with my grandmother who loved tailoring and sewing. My grandfather was a carpenter and he was also landscape painter. I believe they were a huge inspiration for me in my early age.       As a 6 years old my mother took me to Art School in Poprad. Where I decided to study fine art. Rudolf Rabatin was my mentor back then. I spent 13 years under his lead. I’ve learned many critical skills as colour theory which I love to experiment with even to this day.

Even with my love for art, I choose grammar school after finishing primary school. Painting was just a hobby for me at that time. But I still spent a lot of time on it. Before finishing the high school I’ve realized that I always wanted freedom. I hate repetitive stereotype, living life with set rules. I wanted to create, and I wanted my hard work to be worth something!

During six years of study, my work has fluidly evolved on the border between figurative and abstract painting. I leaned predominantly towards non-figurative art, which culminated in the final year of my studies in conceptual painting with elements of performance. However, I identify myself more as a painter. Characteristic of my work is an expressive handwriting and distinctive colorfulness, which are memorable regardless of the technique I am currently using.
